Dr. Helen Wanjugu Kabue

Dr. Kabue is a Lecturer at the Technical University of Kenya, School of Business and Management Studies where she teaches both Marketing and Management relate courses. She  previously worked in University Administration both at the University of Nairobi and at the Technical University of Kenya at various Capacities lastly as a senior assistant registrar

Motivation to Join the East Africa UAS Network

  1. To gain more insight on the application based teaching and learning.
  2. To enhance my teaching approach out of the realization that there seems to be a  disconnect between our University teaching and the transfer of knowledge at the workplace. Our graduates are unable to immediately fit in the industry and companies have to further train them before they can be productive at work.
  3.  To  promote knowledge  transfer through proper training in a manner that prepares Business graduates for self employment and job creation rather always wait for employment opportunities. This could help reduce unemployment rates among the the youth in Kenya which currently stands at around 70%.

Relevant Insights from the UAS model

  1. The University/Industry corroboration; the willingness by the Industry to support the Academia.
  2. The dual model of teaching that prepares students for the world of work.
  3. The concept of applied research where students write their thesis/projects on real issues.
  4. The practical approach to teaching where the students are actively engaged.
  5. Internship organization  that exposes students to practical experience.
  6. The conceptual seminars based on a strong link between the industry, the business sector and the Universities.
  7.  An all inclusive approach to Curriculum Development.

 Intentions on how to Apply UAS Insights at Home

  1.  Be more practical in my teaching; engage students in finding solutions to real issues and use of case studies to enhance teaching and learning.
  2. Enhance  organization of student Internships by taking.
  3. Come up with initiatives that can promote Industry /University Corporation.
  4. Improve  supervision of student projects and thesis by working closely with industries or organizations where students carry out research.
  5. Introduce the concept of applied  research especially in final year Projects and Thesis writing.
  6. Improve the process of curriculum development by involving more stakeholders.