The demand on the Kenyan labour market for qualified specialists with practice‐oriented education and training is constantly increasing. With its strong theoretical focus, the Kenyan higher education system does not seem to sufficiently cooperate with industry partners and the business sector.

Including more applied teaching and research elements as well as a stronger engagement in knowledge and technology transfer between higher education institutions and industry partners could help to solve this challenge.

This project wants to lay the foundation for a sustainable network of Kenyan and German higher education institutions with a focus on applied teaching, research and knowledge transfer, the East Africa Network of Excellence for Universities of Applied Sciences.

This initiative is funded by the German Foreign Ministry and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and aims at informing interested Kenyan universities, academics and junior academics about the model of German universities of applied sciences.

Logo Federal Foreign Office of Germany
Logo German Academic Exchange Service



Project partners


University of applied sciences (model)

Universities of applies sciences (UAS) are tertiary education institutions with a focus on practice-oriented education.


