The main goals are to continue the work started in phase I, to strengthen the established network and to achieve the following specific objectives:

  • Foster application-oriented teaching
    Kenyan university teachers shell gains in-depth knowledge of the model of German University of Applied Sciences (UAS) through personal teaching stays at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI).
  • Foster applied research
    Through personal research stays at THI Kenyan junior academics shell receive further knowledge of the German Applied Science approach.
  • Foster knowledge and technology transfer with virtual network meetings and a closing conference at the end of phase II.
  • Personal and institutional contacts between Kenya and Germany are reinforced and established.
  • Development and implementation of an internship database for Kenyan students in the field of Renewable Energy.

At the end of phase II Kenyan university teachers and junior academics should be able to design and deliver teaching activities based on the model of the German University of Applied Sciences (UAS), adapted to Kenyan requirements.

All individual and institutional recommendations of the participants for the introduction of elements of the German model of UAS can be found in the blog post. This blog is aimed at establishing a platform where experiences with the UAS model can be discussed and best practices can be exchanged, to intensify the personnel and institutional contacts between Germany and Kenya.